
The Enigma Box

Created by The Enigma Box

The biggest adventure of all time, from your front room. A challenge based on historical events and mysteries that will test your wits.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 6 years ago – Wed, Jul 04, 2018 at 04:57:55 PM



We have closed the deal with DHL, which we are very happy about for 2 reasons: the quality of their services and how they handle the parcels. Also, they have a very good parcel tracking system; we will provide you with individual tracking numbers and you will be able to manage your own delivery info. 


The holiday season is here and we are aware that many of you might be away, so if you need to change or review your shipping address, you can go back to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link at "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at 

You have TEN days only to update your shipping address in your BackerKit survey (if needed). 

After that we will not be able to make any changes in our database. If you haven’t answered your survey yet, you can still fill it out to get your rewards, but bear in mind that it might delay your shipment. We’re currently aiming to ship rewards in July. If you need to change your shipping address, please make the changes in your BackerKit survey in the next TEN days.


We will start to ship the boxes in about two weeks and will be doing it in waves. The first lots will go to the most distant places (our warehouse is in Madrid) so the order should be as follow: Canada, South Korea, Australia, USA, Latin America, Europe, etc. This way all of you should receive your boxes roughly at the same time, end of July. Of course, we cannot guarantee that everything will go exactly how we would like it to (some unforeseen circumstances) but we will do our best! 


We will be organizing a “Delivery Party” in Madrid (the date is pending but it will be around the third week of July). All of you who live nearby will be welcome, you will receive your box directly from our hands plus a small surprise 😉 


The Enigma Box Team

Progress of the project (6)
over 6 years ago – Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 12:32:08 AM


Every 2-3 weeks we will be posting an update on the progress of our project :

- Technology (Augmented, Virtual scenarios and Mobile App): 100% . You can download the App here:

Please note that you will need your username and password to access the App. You will receive them in the next few weeks (when we start sending the boxes). 

- Game Design (Riddles, creativities, final art, etc.): 100 % 

- Manuals, translations and documentation: 98 % (English manual is completed, Spanish and French versions are nearly finished [3-4 days])

- Figures and cards: 85 % : Luckily, the problem and delay caused by one of our manufacturers (figures) have been resolved and the production is going to be completed in the next 2 weeks. 

- Manufacturing (production, materials, printing, etc): 89 % Here you can watch the video of the cards making process: 

- 3D printer & information stored in chips: 98 % 

 - Final test (June): 35% 

 - Delivery (estimated date (98% accuracy): We will start to deliver the boxes at the beginning of July. (*) 

(*) please note we depend on five different providers. 

We hope that all of them keep their deadlines according to the contracts. 


The Enigma Box Team

Progress of the project (5)
over 6 years ago – Fri, May 18, 2018 at 01:40:43 AM


Every 2-3 weeks we will be posting an update on the progress of our project :  

- Technology (Augmented, Virtual scenarios and Mobile App): 99% (We are waiting for the final validation from the App stores (Android & iOS))  

- Game Design (Riddles, creativities, final art, etc.): 100 %  

- Manuals, translations and documentation: 92 % (We are just finishing the manual)

- Figures and cards: 85 % (We are having a delay with our provider that we will solve during next week)  

- Manufacturing (production, materials, printing, etc): 78% . We finished the Deluxe boxes structure (Find attached some pictures) and the dice production.  

- 3D printer & information stored in chips: 93 % (We are finishing to save information in NFC chips)  

 - Final test (estimated date: Half of May/beginning of June): 0%  

 - Delivery (estimated date: June) (*)  

Some “STATE OF ART” examples (please bear in mind this is only a brief list of creativities and game technology):  

• VR Terror Scenario ( 4 scenarios so far):

• Augmented reality :  

IMPORTANT: You need to download this app in order to scan the code:  

• PDF Sample documentation:  

We are not revealing too much information because we don't want to spoil the mystery of the game!  

 (*) please note we depend on five different providers. 

We hope that all of them keep their deadlines according to the contracts.  

We organized an event (Meetup): to explain some clues about launching a KS campaign (Find some pictures here: )  


The Enigma Box Team

Progress of the project (4)
over 6 years ago – Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 12:33:09 AM


Every 2-3 weeks we will be posting an update on the progress of our project :  

- Technology (Augmented, Virtual scenarios and Mobile App): 92%  >> We will send our App to App stores (Android & iOS) next week.

- Game Design (Riddles, creativities, final art, etc.): 99 %   

- Manuals, translations and documentation: 85 % >> We are working on the final creativity and photos for the Manual.

 - Figures and cards: 75 %  (There is some minor delay but we will solve the issue with the provider next week).

 - Manufacturing (production, materials, printing, etc): 70% 

 - 3D printer & information stored in chips: 90 % (We made a start on storing data in NFC chips) 

 - Final test (estimated date: Half of May): 0% 

 - Delivery (estimated date: June) (*)

 (*) please note we depend on five different providers. We hope that all of them keep their deadlines according to the contracts. 


The Enigma Box Team 

Progress of the project (3)
over 6 years ago – Wed, Apr 04, 2018 at 11:00:31 PM


Every 2-3 weeks we will be posting an update on the progress of our project :  

- Technology (Augmented, Virtual scenarios and Mobile App): 85%  
- Game Design (Riddles, creativities, final art, etc.): 95 %   
- Manuals, translations and documentation: 70 %
 - Figures and cards: 75 %
 - Manufacturing (production, materials, printing, etc): 50%
 - 3D printer & information stored in chips: 70 %
 - Final test (estimated date: End of April): 0%
 - Delivery (estimated date: June. Maybe in May) (*)

 (*) please note we depend on five different providers. We hope that all of them keep their deadlines according to the contracts.


The Enigma Box Team